Medicare and for Elderly and Retired People
Medicare serves US citizens and residents aged 65 years and over. Choosing an appropriate Medicare plan to pay for your health care can be confusing. You can consult the Medicare sites below or read this Guide to Medicare site.
Medicare, the health insurance program for Senior Citizens, covers preventive health services and screenings for many of these chronic diseases.
Visit the Medicare site to learn more about coverage:
- Medicare Health Information Overview
Prevention is the first step in staying healthy, learn about recent additions to Medicare covered preventive services
- Guide to Medicare's Preventive Services (PDF–200K)
- The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA)
All Medicare beneficiaries – no matter how they get their health care today or whether they have existing drug coverage – will be eligible for drug coverage under a Medicare prescription drug plan beginning January 1, 2006. The following links provide resources and tools to help make informed decisions regarding prescription drug coverage.
You may also call 1-800-MEDICARE.
- Medicare Prescription Drug Finder
will help you learn about the new Medicare prescription drug coverage and find and compare local drug plans that meet your personal needs
- 2006 Medicare and You Handbook (PDF–410K)
Summary of Medicare benefits, rights and protections, and answers to the most frequently asked questions about Medicare. Available in English and Spanish.
Learn more about PDFs.
- Benefits Checkup RX*
This is a good first step if you have Medicare and are considering whether to sign up for the new Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage.
- Medicare Prescription Drug Finder